The Heart and Head, David Jané, Managing Director, Founder and who we like to call the “The Boss”.
David Franco, Operations Manager and who we like to call “The Car Guy”
Marc Sanchez, Social Media Manager and who we like to call “TIFY (twitter, Instagram, facebook, youtube)”
Natalia Chelsea, Sales and Marketing Manager and I like to call myself “The Social Butterfly”!
Xus Alcaraz, Website and Digital Manager, and who we like to call “The Techy Dude”
Maria del Villar, Head Designer – “Design Goddess”
Xavier Fornós, Media Manager – “Snap”

David Jané
The Boss
David Jane – “The boss” I love cars, I have always loved cars… I believe this has been passed down…

Xavier Fornós
Coming soon… This guy still has to go through our interview for the blog

Maria Del Villar
Design Goddess
Coming soon… This girl still has to go through our interview for the blog

David Franco
Car Guy
Coming soon… This guy still has to go through our interview for the blog

Natalia Chelsea
Social Butterfly
Coming soon… This girl still has to go through our interview for the blog

Marc Sanchez
Coming soon… This guy still has to go through our interview for the blog

Xus Alcaraz
The Techy Dude
Coming soon… This guy still has to go through our interview for the blog
We also have a dedicated team of drivers and hostesses who make sure that our cars are always pristine and our customers are always happy. Without the passion and dedication of these individuals we wouldn´t be half the company we are today.